Safeboxes uniquely enable the fragmentation of Inscriptions while maintaining ownership rights. They require a balance of $ORLA staked to initiate. While using Safeboxes, $ORLA is locked for the rental duration. The Key remains on the platform, available for Trading, Raffling, or Unlocking your Inscription.
Safeboxes fragment Inscriptions into 1M μTokens, granting the owner the ability to redeem the original Inscription back whenever desired. When a user deposits an Inscription into a Safebox, they receive: 1M μTokens representing the floor value of that Inscription's collection A Safebox Key capturing the premium value of their specific Inscription
For example:
OCM floor is 0.5 BTC ~ 10 ETH
The user's rare OCM is worth 20 ETH
Depositing into a Safebox would:
Generate 1M μOCM = 10 ETH floor value
The Key would be worth approximately 10 ETH premium
This segmentation offers instant liquidity through μTokens while the Key retains upside exposure.
How to Create a Safebox: To create a Safebox, users select an Inscription and set a deposit duration. Longer durations require staking more $ORLA. Upon depositing, they receive 1M μTokens and the exclusive Safebox Key. Only VIP users can create Safeboxes; and stake ORLA to become a VIP.
Core Benefits:
Maintain ownership of rare Inscriptions
Unlock floor value in liquid tokens
Retain premium value in Key
Tradable Keys
Customizable durations
Use Cases:
Partially Actualize Floor Value: Deposit an Inscription to receive μTokens representing the floor value. Sell some μTokens to realize this liquidity.
Retain Potential Upside: Still, hold the Safebox Key to control access to the Inscription and capture future premium appreciation.
Loans: Safebox Keys can serve as collateral for loans from knowledgeable collectors who deeply understand the value of rare traits and premiums. This allows borrowers to access capital without fully relinquishing ownership.
Last updated